Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1
Class : 3EB04 Name : 1. Dewi Mustika (21217587) 2. Elsa Pratika (21217919) Describing Business Trends in 2019 The increasingly advanced digital development of the Payment System Revolution in the Digital Economy Era - has transformed many fields, one of which is the business industry. Digitalisation in the business industry changes quite a lot how business people carry out their economic activities. Examples of digital developments in the industry itself include the use of modern cash register machines in the form of cloud-based applications and Moka POS. Its function is not only to have the function of making transactions easier, but also to provide sales reports, manage inventory, create promotional programs and determine the role of employees, all of which can be done through a single application. In addition to modern cashier applications, digital developments have also penetrated the financial sector in Indonesia and have revolutionized the current payment system. This mea...